Blog Entry #11 - Homework for Jan. 11, 2011

1. Life in Vietnam would be perfect if everyone were totally equal.  Do you agree or disagree?  Explain your answer in complete sentences.

I truly believe that life in Vietnam would not be perfect if everyone were totally equal, because it's just impossible; and even if it is, it would be boring. If everyone was equal, then there would be no government. If everyone was equal, then we'd be doing the same things every single day. People are born differently and possess different talents, which makes the world diverse in many areas. And because people are not equal, people are motivated to work harder to pursue a better goal in their life. People can have equal amounts of money, cars, clothes, or in brief materials, but we just can’t have equal intelligence – which means if people do have equal intelligence, then there will be no government, no business, no further studying into science or technology, father can’t teach or control his children, there will also be no teachers – a society where nothing is organized. Vietnam probably would return to the late centuries when people only knew how to cook and hunt food and so on. Anyway, I think it’s just impossible to make everyone equal because each of us is functioned in a unique way and can only learn and develop the way that is suitable of us (for our brains).  

2. You are designing a society in which everyone is equal. What are the laws?

Since I don’t think there is an existence of a society where everyone is equal, I have no idea what the laws are. But, if I am to design a society in which everyone receives equity, then these are the laws:

Everyone should have freedom (of speech, religion, privacy, entertain)
Everyone should have access to education
Everyone should have access to shelter and food/drink
Everyone should have access to services (ex: healthcare)

If equality does exist, then these are the laws:

Everyone does the same things every day
Everyone has the same amount of properties and their qualities
Everyone must speak the same language(s)
Everyone must think the same things
No countries, no governments

3. What would you do to help people who were less capable mentally, physically, or socially to “catch up”?

Empathy is always the key for everything, but it isn’t enough if we don’t carry out what we feel or understand. That means I’d “physically” and “mentally” give my best support to those who are less capable mentally, physically, or socially.
  • For those who were less capable mentally, I’d try my best to be patient and see the world through their eyes so that I can talk the way they talk, and that I can fit in the way they can accept me. Since there are already lots of places for people who were less capable mentally to live as a community because they’d feel equal, I’d go there and talk to them, tell them what happens out there in the world, help them to understand concepts that they can hardly get through on their own. I’d probably pull them to the outside world, too, because they are humans and so should have a feeling of being accepted and adapted to the society they’re living in. If we only think that there should be a special place just for those who were less capable mentally, we’re wrong, because the only way to help them catch up is to help them fit in the real world.  
  • For those who were less capable physically, I’d make devices/equipments or anything that helps them get to know things like I get to know things, but only that the way they know is different from mine. For example, if a person is blind, then they can read news or write using the Braille. If a person is deaf, I can talk to that person via hands language. In brief, I’d create things that aid them, so that they can feel like normal people with the same access to what they need. Once they are equipped with what they need as normal people, they can do anything that normal people do, and so it’s just a piece of cake for them to catch up.
  • For those who were less capable socially, I’d help them to gain self-confidence and show them that I respect and trust them. People communicate best when they feel that they are respected and important, or needed. I’d also help them to analyze their strength, so that they’d feel helpful in life – which helps them socialize better. Besides, I’d also introduce friends to them, or suggest that they can join clubs, activities so that they get more chances to socialize with people.

4. What problems can you foresee that might come in a society with laws that force “equality for all”? How would you handle those problems?

I suppose most of the problems will be negative if a society has laws that force equality for all, because people think! I guess most people are “smart” enough to know that there is no such thing as equality, which means forcing equality is just too unreasonable. They can rebel; they can do anything, even risking their own selves, to prove their perspective. Forcing equality is like taking humans’ rights away, taking their rights to be themselves and where they’re supposed to be. Some people need more than others, such as disabled people. If the government enforces equality for all, then that means all of us have to be disabled? (Because disabled people cannot get any support – because everyone’s equal) Anyway, I wouldn’t even come up with laws that force equality for all, because it’s stupid. In my perspective though, I DO think that everyone is equal somehow – because no one’s perfect. A rich person can be poor in personality; a disabled person can be the best runner, a person who has no family can have lots of friends/relationships. In brief, people have something and don’t have something. We are talented in different ways, and different talents make a society. I’d encourage people to develop with their talents and contribute together to make the society a better place.  

5. Do you believe that total equality is possible, or would human nature make sure that some people would eventually dominate others?

NO, I don’t believe that total equality is possible. Rich people have more chances or more “rights” somehow, to dominate poor people; but also they help a country to raise its own economy, which affects poor people to have a better life. People are not equal, because we all have power over each other, depending on the situations. Governments depend on citizens to make laws, but the later also depends on the former to live/make money, etc. Also, smart people, people with broad relationships, and people with political influence usually have more power; they end up controlling those who are not as good as them. However, I think it would be fair though, IF all of us receives enough education. Only then, some will be better at this, some will be better at that; which means people will be professional in different areas and so can have power each other at different times.

6. In what situations have you felt similarly to any of the characters? What persons, places, or ideas from your own experience came to mind while you were reading this story? Try to list as least two examples.

Once my dad was caught at night by some policemen in a quite dark but big alley, and they wanted him to give them money because the lights of the car weren’t on. He explained to them that they were broken while he was driving – sounded accidentally enough, but the policemen were quite smart to choose a dark alley to get money from dad. I was really mad at that, and so questioned mom why shouldn’t we stand up to that. All she said was: be smart and don’t mess with them. Similarly to the story, Harrison stood up and broke the mental handicap from his body and did what he thought was right, but messing with government ended him up with death. Which is unfair!

Another story I heard from my mom, her experience and not mine though, was when her family’s properties were taken by the government during the Vietnam War. I don’t really remember the story, but it was when the government thought that everyone should be equal, and the reason why her family was rich was because they stole things from other. Then they burnt down her books, took away all of their money – which quite gave them a miserable life thereafter. It was like in the story how the government wanted to make everyone equal – while it wasn’t equal at all because the government still had control over the citizens. Anyway, who messes with the government will end up with negative consequences – that’s what I’ve learnt.

Blog Entry #10 - Letter!

Blog Entry #9 - Homework for Tuesday, November 2nd

1. How does advertising influence consumption?

        Usually the best ways to communicate something are through visual and audio images, video, figures, etc. Advertisement uses the same thing, with visual images or short videos to advertise a particular product or service, and therefore it has a huge influence on consumption. People don’t just buy stuffs; they have to know about it first. Companies spend a lot of money in advertising their products/services, and their purpose is to get people extra consumed the products or services. In order to do so, they have to make it appealed by telling the efficient sides of that products or services, making people feel like they should/ want to consume those for their good as well as satisfaction. 

2. Do you think citizens are sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits? If not, how can we become more informed about sustainability issues?

        Citizens are not all the times sufficiently informed about the sustainability of our consumption habits because first of all, habits are something we do involuntarily. Possibly advertisement for consumption aims to create those habits so that their product or service can be more consumed, in which they will earn more profit. And in order to that, they hardly ever tell about the negative impacts of the product/service, or if they tell, they’ll tell just a few portion of what they actually have to tell to educate people about sustainably using the product/service. For instance, in Vietnam, there are mostly the poor class and the middle class, in which what most of them care about is survival, not sustainability. Therefore, advertisements about services and products in Vietnam aim for the majority of population, which are the poor and middle classes, in which the advertisements just tell what the people what they need or desire. Meanwhile, the government doesn’t educate the citizens about sustainability nor do any campaigns like using posters, games, or advertisements to do that which explain why not all people know about sustainability.
  • Meanwhile advertisements can misinform people, news are actually informing about sustainability or accusing the products/services that seriously damage the society and environment. Therefore, people should update the news, or basically read daily news so that they have a sense of what’s going on and what they should be aware of.
  • Schools should educate young generations about sustainability so that they can educate their parents or members of their families.
  • Media should have more advertisements, games, movies, etc about sustainability issues to raise awareness.
  • Government should create more programs about sustainability and give prizes.
  • Companies shouldn’t only produce products that economically benefit them, but it also should minimize pollution, conserve or recycle natural resources, and promote a healthy society. Additionally, they can be more generous on their advertisements, and once they follow the rules of sustainability, they will be able to tell about the efficient sides of the products as well as the negative sides of the products and how people should consume their products in ways that both benefit them and the companies without damaging the society, environment, and economy.
  • Teens should be more educated about spending their money on products/services.  
  • In brief, firstly people have to be educated in order to know about sustainability issues and how they can seriously affect our lives right now and our children/descendants’ lives in the future. People will not know or even care about sustainability if they are not informed what it is.

3. Do you think these advertising techniques influence what you and your friends purchase?

        I think advertising techniques greatly influence what me and my friends purchase because most of the time when I turn on the TV, or I surf the internet, there are tons of advertisements that are made only for teens, which are our age. As teens, we like colors, music, technology, clothes, games, celebrity, etc. Advertisements use those elements that teen desire in order to get them consumed the products. Also, most of the time advertisements for teens use celebrities that are well-known or at least teens admire, which motivates us to consume the product to be like our idols. In addition, at this age we require and want a lot of things. Most of us receive monthly pocket-money from our parents and just go buy stuffs without considering the consequences. It’s reasonable why we don’t consider that because we don’t make the money. And that’s the point where advertisements pop in and lure teens’ mind to consume their products.

Blog Entry #8 - Examples of Sustainable Development

1. Sirona Cares came up with a project that helps develop a stable economic base through farming of Jatropha in rural Haiti, a place where it is very hard for farming. Jatropha has seeds that are oil rich and it grows all over Haiti, and it costs cheaper than food crops - which is a positive thing for farmers because that doesn't damage their economy but lift their lives out of poverty. This project is sustainable because it will carry on into the future while improving the lives of the people that farm at the same time. Additionally, the fuel source from oil in the seeds can displace the use of charcoal, reducing pollution, and the plants will reverse the damage of deforestation while they improve the soil for food production.

2. Vietnam plans to have 100 percent of shrimp and tra fish raised in the form of intensive cultivation and semi intensive cultivation by 2012, and it is a national plan for sustainable development of Vietnam's aquaculture. This plan will approach food safety & pharmaceutical safety, and improve high quality of input materials, building modern raising farms, and diversifying markets. 

3. China built the Three Gorges Dam in order to prevent floods from overflowing to destroy the land and the crops. At the same time, it is built in purpose of harnessing hydro power so that the use of coal will decrease, reducing the release of CO2 which causes global warming.  

4. Other examples: 
Use recycled materials
Use renewable energy (hydroelectricity, solar energy, wind energy, etc)
Sustainable tourism development = instrument for poverty reduction

Blog Entry #7 - Migration/Immigration Assessment

Migration/Immigration Assessment
Nadiir’s Migration from Naagarjun to Saborina

In 1920, Dadaria started to wage a war on Naagarjun – a country that was mostly bound to farming and wild life, in purpose of taking Naagarjun’s rich resources such as diamond, gold, oil, and iron. Many families fled to other countries with a hope of having a better life, including Nadiir’s family. Nadiir and his family migrated from Naagarjun to Saborina mainly because of the war and the pollution it caused. Additionally, they decided to move externally because of a push factor: persecution. Naagarjun and the regions surrounding the country basically had two races: the blue people and the green people. Green people had been mistreated for years because of their appearance, to blue people, green represented sickness. Therefore, green people had to pay high taxes every year, yet they had no right to vote or participate in high government positions. Furthermore, since the war was waged on Naagarjun, a man from any green family was forced to join the army and should be the first one to die in the war. For that reason, Nadiir’s external migration to a country far away from his homeland was a wise decision; otherwise he would suffer the same thing if he just migrated to regions/countries nearby. Meanwhile, Saborina had many attractive pull factors including: safety, education economy, and environment; and these factors sure benefited Nadiir and his family. In contrast, though, they probably left a negative impact in their homeland because they had a lot of skills that could have contributed to help Naagarjun winning the war. People migrating away from the country led to a decrease in population of the country. The culture might also lose, delaying the growth of economy and education. Plus the strain of the war, Nagaarjun would probably end up being under Dadaria’s rule soon.
Despite Nadiir being an immigrant who was supposed to interact and blend in with people of different ethnic backgrounds from his in Saborina, his safety was guaranteed by Saborina’s government and the Saborina’s Refugee Camp. Not long after that, Nadiir’s parents found a job and finally were able to afford an apartment, settling in the capital of Saborina – which was an urban area. The advantage of living in an urban area was that the family’s economy would be more likely to increase so that Nadiir would be able to go to school and get a good education as well as being able to communicate with the world. This new change benefited Nadiir’s family, but they also contributed much to Saborina as well. As they migrated here, they brought along their skills of adapting to nature and animals, boosting more worthy and realistic ideas to zoology, farming techniques, as well as the study of environment in favor of Saborina. There were still some negative effects of Nadiir and his family migrating to Saborina and living in the capital – where it was acknowledged as the center of business and attracted lots of people here. Nadiir’s family moving here added to the population and that would cause more waste, more pollution, which finally could lead to a higher stage of global warming. However, if they developed well and contributed ideas to Saborina, it could change the situation completely (based on the study of environment).

Blog Entry #6 - A Message From Mother Nature?

1)      What is the main point of this article?
  • The main point of this article is about whether weather is an indicator of climate change that is impacted by global warming or not.

2)      List four vocabulary words that you do not recognize or understand, and look up the definitions, write them out using your own words.
  • Uproot – forcing someone to leave
  • Reluctant – unwilling to do something
  • Variability – inconsistency; changeability
  • Vulnerable – likely to be hurt or damaged

3)      What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?
  • Weather is a condition of the atmosphere at a particular time and place whereas climate is the usual weather of a place, occurring for a long period of time.
4)      What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?
  • Heavy rainstorms in summer
  • Big snowstorms in winter
  • Intense droughts
  • Bad heat waves
  • Monsoon rains in Pakistan, killing more than 1,500 people and uprooting millions.
  • In Russia, a bad heat wave and a record-breaking drought had destroyed millions of acres of wheat and sparked wildfires that killed dozens.
  • In the United States, flooding devastated New England, Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Meanwhile, a record-breaking heat wave warmed/heated the entire eastern part of the country.

5)      What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?
  • I haven’t had any experience with an extreme weather because I live in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – a pretty safe place because it is not bordered by the oceans which can cause floods, neither any earthquake, drought, etc – has had happened before. Despite that fact, there are still some unusual climate changes during the past few years, for the temperature increases and rains turn out to be heavier. However, so far as I remember there were two severe storms in 1996 in Vietnam and they damaged a lot of things, killing a hundred of people, destroying 194,000 households, and flooded 177,000 ones.

6)      What does the word “perception” mean?
  • Perception – the understanding; how you see and comprehend the concepts of something.

7)      What is your “perception” of global climate change?
  • I perceive that global climate change is in fact a serious issue that all human beings should concern about. In my opinion, global climate change can be blamed of global warming, and that severely damages human as well as living things’ habitations. In general, global warming is when CO2 and other greenhouse gases are heated and released to the atmosphere, which later get trapped in the greenhouse effect. That heat cannot escape in which it warms the earth more and more. As the earth gets hotter, precipitations will get heavier in wet regions whereas in dry regions, they will get drier. Even though those signs are only statistics of weather change, it could be perceived as global climate change if that keeps happening for a long period of time. Therefore, I personally think that global warming is affecting climate change.  

Blog Entry #5 - Map Assessment

The Story of Lalaland
        Lalaland is where dreams come true, all started with the historical man named Gaga. Gaga was originally born an inheritance in Spongie Spunge, but at an age of 33, he was exiled to another land because of his dullness & irresponsibility towards the nation. Only that Spongie Spunge people didn’t realize that there was an extraordinary potential in Gaga, which later manipulated him to be a successful king.

        Gaga sailed to the wild land across the Woolge Zand Ocean, and decided to found his kingdom named Lalaland there. After many years, he died a shameful man for he didn’t leave any accommodating things on earth for his people. Consequently after his death, the kingdom felt into years of corruption with wars and destructions, including a devastating pollution. In heaven, Gaga was regretful and desperately asked God to give him another chance in 5 years to rebuild his kingdom. His issue was accepted, and therefore he revived from the death and expanded Lalaland into an official country. The capital is named after Gaga, where every year people around the country gather together to have a memorial of him. They then later proceed to the Gaga Shrine, which locates about 2000 miles west from the capital, 525 degrees north and 350 degrees east. On this special event, people would use the main road system that leads the four main cities toward the capital, even though normally they would travel by clouds as transportation; the clouds often suddenly precipitate which cause a variety of accidents throughout the country. Those four cities include Mooney – the largest port city, Sleepy – another port city, Cloudy – a port & exploitation city, and Pinky – a port city. Each city has one hospital and one agora so that those will support human’s needs. All of them locate on 0 sea levels and near the sea coasts as well as the Pinky Sugary River. The highest elevation includes Mt. Lolli, in which people from Pinky and Sleepy have to go through in order to reach the capital. 

        The Pinky Sugary River starts from Gaga Shrine and spreads north east across the country where it ends up meeting the Wet Land, and south east where it ends up flowing into the Lagonspolin Ocean. Facing the oceans, the port cities provides adequate boats for traveling to foreign countries such as Gongoozler, Spongie Spunge, and Linsey – Woolsey order to trade and exchange ideas: education, religion, etc; exchange goods: silk, fabric, spices, cotton, etc.

        In the past, Lalaland people just spent the whole day eating, gossiping at the agora, sleeping, or checking into the hospital. They were really lazy and mainly got the food resource by ordering Spongie Spunge people to fish the cotton fish from the seas and exploit the Cotton Mines region. Nowadays, they do the same thing yet but their own labor. The Cotton Mines region locates near the North West coast and is ever famous for its splendid cotton - deposited from the dead cotton fish. Cotton Mines region is not only a physical geography or an environmental geography, but also a human geography and an economic geography because many countries crave for this resource.

        Lalaland has different types of precipitation throughout the year, including: hailstone, rain, fog, etc Even though those cause various accidents and death, yet sometimes is helpful for the Lorda Forest that locates 650 degrees north and 600 degrees east. A lot of wild animals live there, including gryphon, Pegasus, unicorn, and jackalope. People never disturb these animals, though their population remains balanced due to hailstones.